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Bornholdt featured in BioProcess International on Lean Project Delivery

Aug 23, 2023

The urgency for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines has declined, but the life science industry’s lightning-fast pandemic response has left a lasting impression. Why would we go back to four year construction timelines when it’s been proven possible in 18 months? JP Bornholdt, Facility Planning and Integration Specialist, describes how the pandemic took integrated project-delivery methods mainstream, enabling lean business principles and modularization to gain in popularity. He also answers questions about the future of flexibility in life sciences construction.

“Rapid changes in science, technology, and marketplace demand are preventing some fledgling life science companies from fully fleshing out their business cases before engaging design and construction partners. Therefore, biotechnology start-ups often hedge their bets on what seems to be the most likely industry situation in five or 10 years. That might seem to be a problem, but it is a significant opportunity to leverage the benefits of lean construction and modularization.”

The life science industry is uniquely positioned to benefit from lean project delivery and modularization within facility design and construction. Whether companies are looking to support process intensification, streamline decision-making, support scalability or standardize operating procedures, adopting these trends can offer long term benefits.

Read the full article: Lean Project Delivery Goes Mainstream, but Can It Stay?