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Paskanik, McAllister, Saggars discuss trends with Labcompare

Jan 18, 2024

Mark Paskanik, Bob McAllister and Aaron Saggars discuss laboratory building and design trends in an article published by Labcompare, the online buyer’s guide for laboratory equipment and supplies. The article highlights the notable increase in the number of specialty labs tailored to cutting-edge fields, such as carbon capture and clean technology with nanotech.

Nanotech robot labs

Paskanik explains that nanotech robot labs, like the one at CZ Biohub Chicago, offer transformative potential for targeted drug delivery and minimally invasive surgeries. The growing interest has attracted significant investments from public and private sectors, recognizing the labs’ potential to drive innovation and gain a competitive edge.

Flexibility and scalability

McAllister describes the growing demand for stricter cleanroom classifications in laboratories and more flexible options. Rather than opting for traditional custom, stick-built labs, the focus is on constructing modular and flexible labs with prefabricated elements.


Saggars details the need to prepare for the unexpected, recognizing that lab owners may be uncertain about their future needs. Supporting infrastructure in specialty labs must be adaptable, seamlessly evolving alongside the dynamic fields they serve.

Read the full article here: Labcompare | Laboratory Design and Building Trends for 2024