Catch up with CRB at the 2022 Lean in Design Forum
Apr 7, 2022
CRB is presenting at the 2022 LCI Lean in Design Forum on May 4-5 in Phoenix, Arizona! In partnership with P2SL, Lean in Design is a unique event where designers come together to learn about and advance Lean methods and approaches. Jay Cutler, Mike Politi, Clay Seese, and David Korzuch will be presenting at the forum.
May 5, 2022
TVD Lessons Learned from Validation to Releasing from the Model – Jay Cutler, Mike Politi, Clay Seese
3:00pm-4:30pm MST
These CRB subject matter experts will focus on presenting lessons learned while implementing TVD on a recent ONEsolution (CRB’s integrated project delivery approach) project. Learn why CRB emphasizes culture and mindset to gain commitment from all team members and how TVD is more than just change control.
Design for PPMOF – David Korzuch
3:00pm-4:30pm MST
Join David to learn how to maximize PPMOF during design. This presentation will also cover roles of engineer of record, contractors, and modular manufacturers, the coordination of standard engineer specs vs. contractor shop fab standards, and release for fabrication. David will be joined by John Gable, from HT Lyons, one of CRB’s trade partners.